A neat idea... but it desperately needs either a "pick alpha" button, or some better drawing tools (or at least the ability to zoom in!) Making content on the iPhone itself is a disaster, but being able to (mostly) import content that you made on the PC is a good idea!
Some other features it could use:
- Ability to recognize when a picture is portrait, and rotate it automatically, rather than simply smearing it into the wrong aspect ratio
- Option (per-holopic?) to have the furthest-back point in a holopic fill the whole screen (the furthest-forward points would then understandably be much more likely to go missing off the sides, but it would mean that you dont have to see "the room" in every scene you create)
- More layers!
- Higher-resolution depth-map!
Either way, still some fun to mess around with; all the different modes are worth $2 if you find the concept fun.
ravenn88 about